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Talents are the first factor of production of enterprises. The competition between enterprises in today's society is the competition for recruiting talents.

"Dedication" means the connotation and extension of the spirit of unity, hard work and pragmatic innovation. In today's society, a person who integrates his own development with the development of the company, pursues a sense of belonging and honor, is loyal to the enterprise, and silently contributes to ordinary jobs is appreciated by every company. If a person blindly pursues personal treatment and only asks and does not dedication, such a person in the enterprise is It is difficult to survive and gain a foothold. Dedication is the highest level of Hengbo talent culture.

"Comparison" means comparisons on performance and compare benefits. Hengbo appreciates those with both talents and virtue, trains those with virtue yet no talents, limits those with talents while no virtue, and keeps those with no talents or virtue away. Maximizing benefits is Hengbo's goal, and the "win situation" of pursuing social and economic benefits is the foundation of Hengbo's establishment. In Hengbo, the personal treatment of employees is directly proportional to the wealth created. Hengbo focuses on both efficiency and virtue.

"No Limitation" means to break the theory of seniority in talents selection, break the theory of academic qualifications, and break the traditional practice of focusing on academic qualifications over working ability. There is no restrictions on qualifications, academic qualifications, experience, and only ability.

"Capability" means that talents can go up and down, employees can enter and exit, departments can set up and withdraw, and the distribution energy can be high and low;

"Giving" means to give the platform, conditions, power, goals and payment to the talent.

"Keep", means to keep the talents with cultural, mental attachment, opportunity, career, payment and welfare, for them to become a part of Hengbo’s family and grow together.

Application Process

Enter Talents Pool
Pass Interview
Join Hengbo

For application, first check whether suitable position is available on the third party website. If there is no available position, you can submit your resume first and enter the pool. If there is position, you can submit corresponding documents according to your own situation. Graduates submit cover letters, resumes, and educational certificates. Professionals need to submit job certificate (resignation certificate), qualification certificate, education certificate (education certificate), personal resume.

After submitting personal data, our company will arrange follow-up interviews depend on personal circumstances.

For those who pass the interview can join Hengbo. Candidates who do not get, or pass the interview will enter talent pool, and will be reconsidered according to the future needs.

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